Wednesday, 5 September 2012

first entry!! Day 1

Hey guys this is my first blog entry!!! I'm super excited right now :3 first of all I would like to say this is my sort of grade 8 journal, but public of course. I will try to blog everyday before I go to bed or have a shower, etc. Now today was my first day, let me tell you, it as the best! lemme lay out the people in my grade that I care to include in this little inter-web bookish thing :3
David - Super HOTT guy that I have had a crush on since i first met him (2 years ago)
Gogs - My #1 girl friend every who is just the best
Kim - My #2 girl friend who always has my back but is a tad annoying
Mr. James - My epic teacher
Genny - My Ex-Friend who now likes me again??
     So yea, the list is short but i will add more eventually, making up fake names is hard. So here is what when down today at my little school, West side public school.

     I woke up about 6:30 am, did the usual stuff, did my hair, brushed my teeth, etc. So finally my mom and I left the house to go pick up Kim and her little brother, this took about 20 minutes seeing as Kim always has to look her best, even though she says she isn't trying to impress ANYONE, but I don't believe her. when we got to school at 8:55 almost everyone was already there, except Gogs, I swear she will be the death of me one day. we met up with Genny and some other people, then finally right before the bell rang at 9:05 she showed up. We were brought inside to the grade 8/7 pod to get assigned to our teachers. My heart sank when i found out that David was in my class, and I was super excited that both of my best friends were in my class! me and Kim made a plan before school about sitting near or having a locker next to David, we both forgot and are killing ourselves inside right now. Yea, the rest of my day when awesome, except getting lost trying to do the attendance run because all the classrooms had moved. I walked home after school and I got to see my grandma's new puppy Shiloh, cutest thing in the world. I am still in a hole of no return from 2 years ago not being able to say more then hi to David, I kill myself inside every time I have a chance and I don't go for it. Wish me luck for my second day of school, maybe by the end of this I will have a new boyfriend!! thanks for reading <3

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